[ independence?? ]
last day of august.... 30 days left to the end of september and the end of my so-called life. 17 days to finish up my program and the rest to finish up my doc, testing, installation... etc. it's too fast. too fast for my liking!!! i want my mommy..... :p
she's been away for far too long... well, actually doesn't make much of a difference!! just us kids without adult supervision and not doing anything naughty. well, can't afford to do anything either cause i am bound to my work and if i decided to have fun, i'll only feel guilty. my first brother is actually on freedom mode at the moment since he's on holiday but still not doing anything cause we were given strict instructions to mostly stay at home and youngest brother got pmr. so with two elder siblings, he has no choice but to study, study, study. hehe... so bad we are but it's only for another month or so!
well, my marm is coming home today *yay* that means less responsibility for me. i know lar, i should be good n all and take care of the house, blah blah blah... but sometimes when you have other things on hand, you just wish you didn't have to deal with it at that moment. oh well...
i wanted to go shopping since today's the last day for the mega sale. so much for wanting to buy stuff. in fact i ended up not getting anything at all this entire sale. what a waste. i still need a black long coat. dunno where to get. my brother was telling me it's expensive to buy, 800 bucks [but i was like "yeah rite!!"]. i mean, surely can get for way cheaper... otherwise last resort is tailor make lar. just like enervate has... can't wait to see. the cowboy hat looks weird.. comtemplating on whether i should cut that triangle bit on the hat. you know... akabane's trademark bit where he looks thru the.. uh.. hole??
i'm still striving on whatever little time i get to use the net. with 56kbps, i can't wait to have the feel of broadband at my fingertips when my second line starts working again. they said my report due date is by monday 1pm. that means my line HAS to work by that time OR ELSE i'm gonna be kicking some people's ass!
alright, i've had enuf sleep last night.. slept through all the fireworks and what nots... so i best be using it to get my work done. cheerios my good fellas!
Sunday, August 31, 2003
Friday, August 29, 2003
[ streamyx-less and frustrated ]
here's a little story on why telekom/streamyx fellas are a bunch of morons no matter what they do to make me happy... eventually they show their true colors [ie, stupidity].
according to the previous post, mon night streamyx got cut so i switched to jaring. reason got suspended... i didn't pay a certain amount which i thought [since no one explained it to me] they charged extra but even after they had, they're still charging me an additional 1 month's access fee. so, i called them up, yada yada... said they'll restore it in 24hrs [ie, next day].
tuesday: they call me up in the morn to confirm my reciept number [which i paid up to whatever date i thought it was] and said okay, they'll unsuspend the account. so i was happy, they were happy... it was a happy happy day! unfortunately because i was in college the whole morning and only came home at 2.30pm, my brother tells me the modem is still blinking. blinking means there's not connection which also means no streamyx. fineeeeee.. i decided i'll come home and settle the problem.
but after coming home my mom asked if i wanted to go to sg wang. okay lar, decided to follow since she's been wanting to go and since i also had a reason to go [akabane :p]. bought the hat by the way. it's actually a cowboy hat but who cares... as long as it looks close enuf, i'm fine with it! so back to the story...
at sg wang, the place was packed as usual... one of the reasons why i hate going there... hence that place not being the safest to be at. we went into a shop to look at something and my mom passed me her hp to save some number. so after i did that i gave it back to her... except i didn't give it to her hand but left it on the table next to her handbag. moments later as we're about to leave we see 4 guys, quite suspicious looking and my first thought was to get out of there as soon as possible because first of all... that place we were in, young guys don't exactly need to be there. so thinking that maybe they were planning to rob us or something i quickly made a move to leave and so did my mom. phew.. safe.. right?
well, no. because as we're about to go home, my mom realize she didn't have her phone with her. yeah lar, left it at the shop. so we were rushing to go there and found the lady there.. and my mom being very worried since a lot of her client's phone numbers were in it [yes people, it's best to take precautions and write down all your numbers just in case!!!] and she didn't have a backup. so she asked the lady but she was also in a little distress saying that she didn't see it and that she had just had a tough time with 4 guys [the same ones] who weren't exactly customers but wasting their time in her shop and pissing the hell out of her. so phone taken, nothing else to do.
came home, checked streamyx, down. duh! thought wrong password but later found out no dialtone. what on earth did those morons do... i have NO FRIGGIN' IDEA! so everyday since tuesday i've been bugging them to repair my phone line. not calling streamyx of course but telekom themselves since it's the line with the problem not the internet. who knows in what condition the net status would be once the line ACTUALLY works.
this is the most crucial time of all for me to have the internet access down. bloody hell!! i need to finish up my project due at the end of this month... was suppose to get an extention but i have idiots for college admins. first they said [at the begining of our degree] that the due date for our final year project [fyp] is on the 30th sept. then last week we had a project briefing from the project manager and it seems the COMPUTER made a mistake. yeah rite.. and that our actual due date is on the 24th sept. oh joy! one week earlier instead.. and here we were requesting for an extention up to hopefully 2nd week of october.
then we sent the petition all.. asking for 4-5 weeks [simply put to the max lar.. hoping we get at least 2 weeks]. this was done before they told us our due date was on the 24th and the other day told us they'll give us an extention to.. guess what... the 30th. how dumb is that???!?!! it's bascially not an extention AT ALL!!! only 33 days left and i'm gonna die soon. no part of my program is working... my documentation is only 1/2 finished of which i still have to look thru and maybe redo some parts. grrrr..... geram-nya!!
did i mention i have exams on the 8th & 10th of sept, a presentation on the 2nd and i need to finish up my part of the doc for the upcoming project presentation??
and now with the no internet... it's even harder to do my work since i need to frequently refer to the internet resources, examples, etc. so last resort is... wireless. thank god for extra power sockets and hi-speed wireless connections. and an account and a laptop to go with it all. i managed to find out and research on one part of my program today. hopefully with whatever i've collected, i can start figuring out and developing it.
tomorrow is gonna be a busy day again. will not be at home for most of the day... back only late afternoon... then see lar, i guess i can continue where i left off. hopefully by then the line is working. need to top up hp credit, jaring and buy stuffs. hmm.... just a reminder to myself of the things i'll have to do soon!! :)
such a fun filled week it has been. can't wait for more >_>
here's a little story on why telekom/streamyx fellas are a bunch of morons no matter what they do to make me happy... eventually they show their true colors [ie, stupidity].
according to the previous post, mon night streamyx got cut so i switched to jaring. reason got suspended... i didn't pay a certain amount which i thought [since no one explained it to me] they charged extra but even after they had, they're still charging me an additional 1 month's access fee. so, i called them up, yada yada... said they'll restore it in 24hrs [ie, next day].
tuesday: they call me up in the morn to confirm my reciept number [which i paid up to whatever date i thought it was] and said okay, they'll unsuspend the account. so i was happy, they were happy... it was a happy happy day! unfortunately because i was in college the whole morning and only came home at 2.30pm, my brother tells me the modem is still blinking. blinking means there's not connection which also means no streamyx. fineeeeee.. i decided i'll come home and settle the problem.
but after coming home my mom asked if i wanted to go to sg wang. okay lar, decided to follow since she's been wanting to go and since i also had a reason to go [akabane :p]. bought the hat by the way. it's actually a cowboy hat but who cares... as long as it looks close enuf, i'm fine with it! so back to the story...
at sg wang, the place was packed as usual... one of the reasons why i hate going there... hence that place not being the safest to be at. we went into a shop to look at something and my mom passed me her hp to save some number. so after i did that i gave it back to her... except i didn't give it to her hand but left it on the table next to her handbag. moments later as we're about to leave we see 4 guys, quite suspicious looking and my first thought was to get out of there as soon as possible because first of all... that place we were in, young guys don't exactly need to be there. so thinking that maybe they were planning to rob us or something i quickly made a move to leave and so did my mom. phew.. safe.. right?
well, no. because as we're about to go home, my mom realize she didn't have her phone with her. yeah lar, left it at the shop. so we were rushing to go there and found the lady there.. and my mom being very worried since a lot of her client's phone numbers were in it [yes people, it's best to take precautions and write down all your numbers just in case!!!] and she didn't have a backup. so she asked the lady but she was also in a little distress saying that she didn't see it and that she had just had a tough time with 4 guys [the same ones] who weren't exactly customers but wasting their time in her shop and pissing the hell out of her. so phone taken, nothing else to do.
came home, checked streamyx, down. duh! thought wrong password but later found out no dialtone. what on earth did those morons do... i have NO FRIGGIN' IDEA! so everyday since tuesday i've been bugging them to repair my phone line. not calling streamyx of course but telekom themselves since it's the line with the problem not the internet. who knows in what condition the net status would be once the line ACTUALLY works.
this is the most crucial time of all for me to have the internet access down. bloody hell!! i need to finish up my project due at the end of this month... was suppose to get an extention but i have idiots for college admins. first they said [at the begining of our degree] that the due date for our final year project [fyp] is on the 30th sept. then last week we had a project briefing from the project manager and it seems the COMPUTER made a mistake. yeah rite.. and that our actual due date is on the 24th sept. oh joy! one week earlier instead.. and here we were requesting for an extention up to hopefully 2nd week of october.
then we sent the petition all.. asking for 4-5 weeks [simply put to the max lar.. hoping we get at least 2 weeks]. this was done before they told us our due date was on the 24th and the other day told us they'll give us an extention to.. guess what... the 30th. how dumb is that???!?!! it's bascially not an extention AT ALL!!! only 33 days left and i'm gonna die soon. no part of my program is working... my documentation is only 1/2 finished of which i still have to look thru and maybe redo some parts. grrrr..... geram-nya!!
did i mention i have exams on the 8th & 10th of sept, a presentation on the 2nd and i need to finish up my part of the doc for the upcoming project presentation??
and now with the no internet... it's even harder to do my work since i need to frequently refer to the internet resources, examples, etc. so last resort is... wireless. thank god for extra power sockets and hi-speed wireless connections. and an account and a laptop to go with it all. i managed to find out and research on one part of my program today. hopefully with whatever i've collected, i can start figuring out and developing it.
tomorrow is gonna be a busy day again. will not be at home for most of the day... back only late afternoon... then see lar, i guess i can continue where i left off. hopefully by then the line is working. need to top up hp credit, jaring and buy stuffs. hmm.... just a reminder to myself of the things i'll have to do soon!! :)
such a fun filled week it has been. can't wait for more >_>
Monday, August 25, 2003
[ streamyx-less ]
yes, unfortunately i am. gah!! those numb-nuts suspended my account just because i didn't pay some over due charges which weren't suppose to be charged to my account. sheesh.. i mean, of course i wouldn't pay for something i didn't use/ask/want right? oh well, thanks to good old dial-up... i've gone back to ever faithful, rarely-lets-me-down, always there for me.... jaring :þ
tried working this weekend, of course nothing worked. i mean, the stupid browser does not show. ish.. just when you think you've found the easy way out by using sunONE, java kicks you in the ass and tells you to go back to the drawing boards and hardcode from scratch. jxta also another one...
haven't had the time to pirate-tise my site yet. 2 more days til PoTC. *yippee*. however, i dunno if i'll be able to watch it god knows when. hmm... maybe go with family lar... since most of my friends haven't gotten back to me about it, some are working, some holidaying too much for my health and the rest just plain NOT HERE! why must you go when i need you the most. hehe!! :P
i was just thinking about the time when star wars the phantom menace first came out, i went to watch it at klcc and saw 2 guys dressed up as jedis. how cool is that?! :) would be nice to see some pirates pirating pirated privates.. O_O; i mean... you know what i mean :p
naughty naughty!
yes, unfortunately i am. gah!! those numb-nuts suspended my account just because i didn't pay some over due charges which weren't suppose to be charged to my account. sheesh.. i mean, of course i wouldn't pay for something i didn't use/ask/want right? oh well, thanks to good old dial-up... i've gone back to ever faithful, rarely-lets-me-down, always there for me.... jaring :þ
tried working this weekend, of course nothing worked. i mean, the stupid browser does not show. ish.. just when you think you've found the easy way out by using sunONE, java kicks you in the ass and tells you to go back to the drawing boards and hardcode from scratch. jxta also another one...
haven't had the time to pirate-tise my site yet. 2 more days til PoTC. *yippee*. however, i dunno if i'll be able to watch it god knows when. hmm... maybe go with family lar... since most of my friends haven't gotten back to me about it, some are working, some holidaying too much for my health and the rest just plain NOT HERE! why must you go when i need you the most. hehe!! :P
i was just thinking about the time when star wars the phantom menace first came out, i went to watch it at klcc and saw 2 guys dressed up as jedis. how cool is that?! :) would be nice to see some pirates pirating pirated privates.. O_O; i mean... you know what i mean :p
naughty naughty!
Saturday, August 23, 2003
[ i've gone nuts ]
la la la lalalalalalala... i've gone nuts-o! yes-o i think i have-o. why? i dunn-o yet.
yesterday night just before sleeping i decided to place reminders in my hp for the next couple of days. a sorta countdown to let me know, and hopefully in the process scare me to death, as to how many days i have left to the due date. yes people, i'm gonna be very much dead by the 24th of sept if i don't get me arse off to workin' on that damned system.
anyone know how to intergrate an music/video player into a java application [like in kazaa & imesh] ? do lemme know quick... hehe! lazy to search ler. but i will search of course. all part and parcel of the project. stupid jxta. i should've just chosen some simple online system. so much earier. or better still, stick with my original idea and do some wireless/handphone program. bodoh-nya aku!
oh, there goes my phone again for the 5th time. keep on pressing "snooze" whenever the reminder "FYP 21 days" pops up. yeah, and that's how effective it is suppose to be for me. bah!!
i think someone should steal my dsl modem. that way i can't surf, chat, blog, surf, forum [adjective: the act of posting messages & visiting forums], read fanfics, surf... this is all getting to be very very bad! i wish i was back in high school... that way i only have to study :p
okay okay, going to do work. i mean i have to. suddenly feel the urge to program.. hmm..... ja!
la la la lalalalalalala... i've gone nuts-o! yes-o i think i have-o. why? i dunn-o yet.
yesterday night just before sleeping i decided to place reminders in my hp for the next couple of days. a sorta countdown to let me know, and hopefully in the process scare me to death, as to how many days i have left to the due date. yes people, i'm gonna be very much dead by the 24th of sept if i don't get me arse off to workin' on that damned system.
anyone know how to intergrate an music/video player into a java application [like in kazaa & imesh] ? do lemme know quick... hehe! lazy to search ler. but i will search of course. all part and parcel of the project. stupid jxta. i should've just chosen some simple online system. so much earier. or better still, stick with my original idea and do some wireless/handphone program. bodoh-nya aku!
oh, there goes my phone again for the 5th time. keep on pressing "snooze" whenever the reminder "FYP 21 days" pops up. yeah, and that's how effective it is suppose to be for me. bah!!
i think someone should steal my dsl modem. that way i can't surf, chat, blog, surf, forum [adjective: the act of posting messages & visiting forums], read fanfics, surf... this is all getting to be very very bad! i wish i was back in high school... that way i only have to study :p
okay okay, going to do work. i mean i have to. suddenly feel the urge to program.. hmm..... ja!
Thursday, August 21, 2003
[ random rants... ]
if only blogger was more like livejournal, that way we can put a link to rants or certain articles so that only people who wanna read will read otherwise the other stuff is left. geddit? well, just too bad then :p
i was driving today and saw a road sign called 'jalan api'. first thing came to my mind... Application Program Interface instead of what it simply means... fire. sheesh! too much computers for my health. what is my brain coming to these days. can you imagine if they started naming streets after websites or other internet jargons?? o_O
just found a saiyuki fan in college... lol! how cool is that?! *imagines hours long conversations about anime in the near future* but... one draw back is that he's like "oh, there's a saiyuki gaiden? and a saiyuki reload? and...." so much purging of information stored in my head will eventually be told. haha, at least i have something to story my grand kids some day :)
i've decided i may change and cosplay akabane instead of midou. after much guidance and help from this fella and also much persuasion from a certain other fella... hehe.. sexy sultry akabane is quite cool! former "fella's" page has a layout on him ;)
nah, i guess that's enuf for one night. later already and better ciao before my dad catches me still on the pc. *bone crack* back aching... 6 hours.. gosh!
if only blogger was more like livejournal, that way we can put a link to rants or certain articles so that only people who wanna read will read otherwise the other stuff is left. geddit? well, just too bad then :p
i was driving today and saw a road sign called 'jalan api'. first thing came to my mind... Application Program Interface instead of what it simply means... fire. sheesh! too much computers for my health. what is my brain coming to these days. can you imagine if they started naming streets after websites or other internet jargons?? o_O
just found a saiyuki fan in college... lol! how cool is that?! *imagines hours long conversations about anime in the near future* but... one draw back is that he's like "oh, there's a saiyuki gaiden? and a saiyuki reload? and...." so much purging of information stored in my head will eventually be told. haha, at least i have something to story my grand kids some day :)
i've decided i may change and cosplay akabane instead of midou. after much guidance and help from this fella and also much persuasion from a certain other fella... hehe.. sexy sultry akabane is quite cool! former "fella's" page has a layout on him ;)
nah, i guess that's enuf for one night. later already and better ciao before my dad catches me still on the pc. *bone crack* back aching... 6 hours.. gosh!
Tuesday, August 19, 2003
i wanna sleeeee~p! but i can't. so instead i decided do some juggling.
well, of course that ain't me! :) but it's pretty good tho!
well, of course that ain't me! :) but it's pretty good tho!
Sunday, August 17, 2003
ever wondered how they first started off the idea of bullet time?? see these guys in action. not so mystifying now is it?? :þ
haha.. it's actually quite funny! XD love the way they mock it. hey, if the pros can do it... so can we non-hi-tech people!! :)
haha.. it's actually quite funny! XD love the way they mock it. hey, if the pros can do it... so can we non-hi-tech people!! :)
Saturday, August 16, 2003
scene #4 [1.42am]
all the way from germany
v/c: a very happy birthday from v & dad! just got a new hp sony ericson t610! have fun..
scene #5 [4.30am]
*blink* *blink* huh? what the crap [in my mind]. i see my dad standing infront of my room door, lights all on, holding the modem. bah! i thought. it had only been 2 hrs since i last slept. "how to fix modem?" i get up, fix the modem for him [since i snuck it out from the main computer and used it for my laptop in my room] and go back to bed.
wait, that isn't even considered a "scene". cancel that.
scene #5 [a few minutes later]
*shift* *shift* *bump* huh? *opens one eye* i see my mom tying balloons around my room. i wanna sleeeeeeep!! i scream in my head, but pretend i didn't see her. after a while, still tying stuffs, i realize the door was ajar and the light was coming in... disturbing my precious most needed sleep. "can you close the door on your way out?" or so i think i mumbled out. *quicker shifting around the room* and door finally closes. i can't sleep. am having a headache and i check the time to see it's already 5.30am.
headache becomes worse... turn round and round in different positions in a hurry to sleep before dawn breaks or the sounds of prayers start [yes, it can be annoying.. but only if you're awake!]. prayers have started... but thank god it sounded soft. sleep finally sets in.
well, it's sort of a scene lar, what can i say?!
scene #6 [9.00am]
realized i managed to sleep after all. headache is gone at least. check phone, 1 message received.
e: happy birthday sempai! wishing u al da best 4 this yr, nxt yr, nxt nxt yr n al da yrs ahead! gomen, my comp dah send 2 shop [yeah stupid blaster worm!!] coz d damage is bad.. so wil mail u ur purezento once the thing comes back. ooo, life's bad without comp. haih. neway, hv a gr8 day n love ya alwiz [awwwww...].
me: thanks... updated dejected. a present in return for upcoming present! :P
a few moments i wanna treasure... so that when i look back, i know there IS something to look back at! :)
all the way from germany
v/c: a very happy birthday from v & dad! just got a new hp sony ericson t610! have fun..
scene #5 [4.30am]
*blink* *blink* huh? what the crap [in my mind]. i see my dad standing infront of my room door, lights all on, holding the modem. bah! i thought. it had only been 2 hrs since i last slept. "how to fix modem?" i get up, fix the modem for him [since i snuck it out from the main computer and used it for my laptop in my room] and go back to bed.
wait, that isn't even considered a "scene". cancel that.
scene #5 [a few minutes later]
*shift* *shift* *bump* huh? *opens one eye* i see my mom tying balloons around my room. i wanna sleeeeeeep!! i scream in my head, but pretend i didn't see her. after a while, still tying stuffs, i realize the door was ajar and the light was coming in... disturbing my precious most needed sleep. "can you close the door on your way out?" or so i think i mumbled out. *quicker shifting around the room* and door finally closes. i can't sleep. am having a headache and i check the time to see it's already 5.30am.
headache becomes worse... turn round and round in different positions in a hurry to sleep before dawn breaks or the sounds of prayers start [yes, it can be annoying.. but only if you're awake!]. prayers have started... but thank god it sounded soft. sleep finally sets in.
well, it's sort of a scene lar, what can i say?!
scene #6 [9.00am]
realized i managed to sleep after all. headache is gone at least. check phone, 1 message received.
e: happy birthday sempai! wishing u al da best 4 this yr, nxt yr, nxt nxt yr n al da yrs ahead! gomen, my comp dah send 2 shop [yeah stupid blaster worm!!] coz d damage is bad.. so wil mail u ur purezento once the thing comes back. ooo, life's bad without comp. haih. neway, hv a gr8 day n love ya alwiz [awwwww...].
me: thanks... updated dejected. a present in return for upcoming present! :P
a few moments i wanna treasure... so that when i look back, i know there IS something to look back at! :)
scene #1 [at 10:00pm]
via sms: some mushy stuff on missing me... and how it's already twelve at some places in this world... :p
reply: [can't believe i forgot] but there was a miss you too in there somewhere!
scene #2 [at 0:00am]
c: otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu !!
me: lol... still 1 more minute on my pc.. but thanks!! :)
c: mine already 12
me: oh wait.. it isnt :p when i sent that msg its already 12
c: =D now, i am going to bed and you, enjoy yourself... good night!! : )
me: aww.. you stayed up for me??? ;) thanks again.. and good night!
scene #3 [at 0:01am]
via sms: yoow... happy birthday may all ur wishes come true... Pfi pass with 1st class.. :) good luck and enjoy ur day..
reply: something something thanks... blah blah honey :p
via sms: some mushy stuff on missing me... and how it's already twelve at some places in this world... :p
reply: [can't believe i forgot] but there was a miss you too in there somewhere!
scene #2 [at 0:00am]
c: otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu !!
me: lol... still 1 more minute on my pc.. but thanks!! :)
c: mine already 12
me: oh wait.. it isnt :p when i sent that msg its already 12
c: =D now, i am going to bed and you, enjoy yourself... good night!! : )
me: aww.. you stayed up for me??? ;) thanks again.. and good night!
scene #3 [at 0:01am]
via sms: yoow... happy birthday may all ur wishes come true... Pfi pass with 1st class.. :) good luck and enjoy ur day..
reply: something something thanks... blah blah honey :p
Friday, August 15, 2003
friday night and what am i doing?
i've been online for the last 4 hrs and now i have nothing to do. stupid forum just had to go down at the worse of times!! urgh. well, at least i have one friend keeping me company, chit-chatting n all ;)
and apparently this could be the problem causing many sites to be unaccessible. who would've thought! :p
i remember some 10 years ago the same thing happened over here. hehe, but then without computers [well, i didn't have one to be addicited] and when you were still young, hanging outside at night with the rest of your neighborhood.... it was fun! :)
to all those of you who are thundercats fans.... hehe, you should check this out -- dub outtakes -- they're so funny.. haha. imagine lion-o goofing up his lines and cursing and wondering what giberrish is he talking about!
well... 20 mins to go to another day i'm half-dreading it ever existed! til i find something else interesting to share...
i've been online for the last 4 hrs and now i have nothing to do. stupid forum just had to go down at the worse of times!! urgh. well, at least i have one friend keeping me company, chit-chatting n all ;)
and apparently this could be the problem causing many sites to be unaccessible. who would've thought! :p
i remember some 10 years ago the same thing happened over here. hehe, but then without computers [well, i didn't have one to be addicited] and when you were still young, hanging outside at night with the rest of your neighborhood.... it was fun! :)
to all those of you who are thundercats fans.... hehe, you should check this out -- dub outtakes -- they're so funny.. haha. imagine lion-o goofing up his lines and cursing and wondering what giberrish is he talking about!
well... 20 mins to go to another day i'm half-dreading it ever existed! til i find something else interesting to share...
[ as requested? ]
nah, was just by chance. i did the background n all before enervate asked about changing my layout. well, it's the same layout... will be the same layout until a very very long time more. just different pictures to amuse some people and myself. and also in the spirit of falling in love with 'wonderful days' today, i decided to used their pictures. just to show you [if you were too darn lazy to click on those links i gave in the previous entry] what i was talking about :)
amusing enuf? o_O
nah, was just by chance. i did the background n all before enervate asked about changing my layout. well, it's the same layout... will be the same layout until a very very long time more. just different pictures to amuse some people and myself. and also in the spirit of falling in love with 'wonderful days' today, i decided to used their pictures. just to show you [if you were too darn lazy to click on those links i gave in the previous entry] what i was talking about :)
amusing enuf? o_O
[ the next coolest animated show ]
wonderful days has got to be the next coolest science fiction action movie around after final fantasy's the spirits within! gosh, i was checking out their website, english version here, and man, the graphics are so nice!! i waaaant~ XD
it's like the spirit's within but less 3D like character. ie, more cartoon. and the backgrounds and sceneries are so beautiful. check this wallpaper out for instance.
i'm not so sure whether it's in korean or english, but as usual, i would prefer it in their original language then dubbed! i don't mind reading the subs. haha.. quite used to that already! this show is definitely going into my list of favorite foreign films. just by looking at the graphics, the characters, the story.. well, the story i'm guessing isn't anything out of the ordinary but by koreans... this is wonderful!!
and their background song [playing the site] ain't too bad either! maybe i'm just bias or what lar but the first second i laid my eyes on the graphics [and also the exceptionally bishounen main character :p] i knew i had to watch it!
okies, gonna check out their trailer... lol!
wonderful days has got to be the next coolest science fiction action movie around after final fantasy's the spirits within! gosh, i was checking out their website, english version here, and man, the graphics are so nice!! i waaaant~ XD
it's like the spirit's within but less 3D like character. ie, more cartoon. and the backgrounds and sceneries are so beautiful. check this wallpaper out for instance.
i'm not so sure whether it's in korean or english, but as usual, i would prefer it in their original language then dubbed! i don't mind reading the subs. haha.. quite used to that already! this show is definitely going into my list of favorite foreign films. just by looking at the graphics, the characters, the story.. well, the story i'm guessing isn't anything out of the ordinary but by koreans... this is wonderful!!
and their background song [playing the site] ain't too bad either! maybe i'm just bias or what lar but the first second i laid my eyes on the graphics [and also the exceptionally bishounen main character :p] i knew i had to watch it!
okies, gonna check out their trailer... lol!
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
the new post layout for blogger absolutely sucks!
more saiyuki reload anime info. mwahaha!! they're releasing their first reload episode on the 2nd of Oct. v(^_^)V
well, that's what i'm assuming lar, since i can't understand a word of japanese and Babelfish doesn't do much justice since their translations are a bit the confused and i just saw the date AND my jaw literally dropped!! *yay*
donated blood and felt nothing. wasted! well, not so wasted since some soul would need it anyways. i guess all the hype about watching your blood ooze out into a bag ain't much of a big deal. though, the nurse said my vein was big so the process was fast :) i saw this other girl, and hers was painstakingly sloooowww~
after the bag got filled, she [the nurse] cut the tube etc, and the needle is still in my vein along with whatever that's left of the tube and she held the tube with a special kinda sciscors [to stop the blod from flowing ever so freely] then brought two test tubes and...
hmm.. using too many 'and's in one sentence...
... like as though my arm was some sorta tank that stores water, whenever she un-clipped the tube it reminded me of a faucet. yeah like, i need some blood, *unclip* dripp dripp dripp... *clip* 'one test tube done, bring on the next! anyone else for more?'
i also thought about lestat and vampires and how my blood was like wine and i was supplying them like some barrel with a tap.
anyways, they weren't just taking those extra amounts of blood for fun [who knows o_o] but was to test for hepatitis and aids [not sure though] i guess.
so much for the 'activity' of the day!
the new post layout for blogger absolutely sucks!
more saiyuki reload anime info. mwahaha!! they're releasing their first reload episode on the 2nd of Oct. v(^_^)V
well, that's what i'm assuming lar, since i can't understand a word of japanese and Babelfish doesn't do much justice since their translations are a bit the confused and i just saw the date AND my jaw literally dropped!! *yay*
donated blood and felt nothing. wasted! well, not so wasted since some soul would need it anyways. i guess all the hype about watching your blood ooze out into a bag ain't much of a big deal. though, the nurse said my vein was big so the process was fast :) i saw this other girl, and hers was painstakingly sloooowww~
after the bag got filled, she [the nurse] cut the tube etc, and the needle is still in my vein along with whatever that's left of the tube and she held the tube with a special kinda sciscors [to stop the blod from flowing ever so freely] then brought two test tubes and...
hmm.. using too many 'and's in one sentence...
... like as though my arm was some sorta tank that stores water, whenever she un-clipped the tube it reminded me of a faucet. yeah like, i need some blood, *unclip* dripp dripp dripp... *clip* 'one test tube done, bring on the next! anyone else for more?'
i also thought about lestat and vampires and how my blood was like wine and i was supplying them like some barrel with a tap.
anyways, they weren't just taking those extra amounts of blood for fun [who knows o_o] but was to test for hepatitis and aids [not sure though] i guess.
so much for the 'activity' of the day!
now i know what i forgot... :p
chibi-saiyuki game!!!! so cute. they got chibi-sanzo, and chibi-homura, and the best-of-them-all-chibis... shien!!! *glomps*
all thanks to someone at the forum for letting us know. reminds me of the super mario brothers.
nights... for real!
chibi-saiyuki game!!!! so cute. they got chibi-sanzo, and chibi-homura, and the best-of-them-all-chibis... shien!!! *glomps*
all thanks to someone at the forum for letting us know. reminds me of the super mario brothers.
nights... for real!
[ music anyone? ]
3 more days and all the beaches and baskets will be in town. and for what? surely not because of me. that's just their cover up obviously! stupid people. hope they rot in hell when they die.
on a different note but same pitch... one cousin has left leaving me with only 2 other people to survive my hypocritical family! *grumble* *grumble* NO FAIR! and i thought i'd be the first to leave the country [ie, the first with MY surname in the family] to study. oh well... will be next that's for sure.
only left 1 1/2 months to go!!! i haven't even started my program yet!! haven't started coding, can't bloody well figure out how to use JXTA.. someone please don't ask me WHY i even chose it. *grumble* numb-nut *grumble* !!
hmmm... before this is had it all planned out what rant about and as usual when i reach this page, i've got nothing.
onto another note but different pitch...
planning to donate blood for the first time tmr. that is if i sleep before...... 3am. bah, still got time! minimum 5 hours sleep they say. wonder what it feels like... hmmm.... :) it's amazing that when you have a small cut, the blood looks light red... but when they draw it out in large amounts, it's so dark you wonder if it is blood coming out your veins. can't wait though.. i like the feeling of light-headedness... and here i don't even have to drink alcohol to get the effect :P
but then again, the same note but really high pitch is in need for the next rant.
arggghh... *pulls hair* i can't believe i forgot to backup my first 6 episodes of weiss kreuz gluhen [which i haven't WATCHED!!] and the last OVA [two parts] of rurouni kenshin before reformatting my pc. was i stupid or what lar??
*cries* all that downloading time... wasted. damn... damnit... bloody hell. i so wanted to know what WK was about.... and see Aya and his beautiful long braided hair. nuts... i'll just have to download it again... urgh..
oh, the best part of it all about the anime n stuff.... i though episode 39 of get backers was classic. was too darn funny!! so much so i watched it twice :P akabane & ginji.... haha!! chibi-ginji is soooooooooo cute.
akabane: here's an apple, open your mouth. ahhhhh.... [lol!]
chibi-ginji: ahh.... it's so delicious... *cries*
3 more days and all the beaches and baskets will be in town. and for what? surely not because of me. that's just their cover up obviously! stupid people. hope they rot in hell when they die.
on a different note but same pitch... one cousin has left leaving me with only 2 other people to survive my hypocritical family! *grumble* *grumble* NO FAIR! and i thought i'd be the first to leave the country [ie, the first with MY surname in the family] to study. oh well... will be next that's for sure.
only left 1 1/2 months to go!!! i haven't even started my program yet!! haven't started coding, can't bloody well figure out how to use JXTA.. someone please don't ask me WHY i even chose it. *grumble* numb-nut *grumble* !!
hmmm... before this is had it all planned out what rant about and as usual when i reach this page, i've got nothing.
onto another note but different pitch...
planning to donate blood for the first time tmr. that is if i sleep before...... 3am. bah, still got time! minimum 5 hours sleep they say. wonder what it feels like... hmmm.... :) it's amazing that when you have a small cut, the blood looks light red... but when they draw it out in large amounts, it's so dark you wonder if it is blood coming out your veins. can't wait though.. i like the feeling of light-headedness... and here i don't even have to drink alcohol to get the effect :P
but then again, the same note but really high pitch is in need for the next rant.
arggghh... *pulls hair* i can't believe i forgot to backup my first 6 episodes of weiss kreuz gluhen [which i haven't WATCHED!!] and the last OVA [two parts] of rurouni kenshin before reformatting my pc. was i stupid or what lar??
*cries* all that downloading time... wasted. damn... damnit... bloody hell. i so wanted to know what WK was about.... and see Aya and his beautiful long braided hair. nuts... i'll just have to download it again... urgh..
oh, the best part of it all about the anime n stuff.... i though episode 39 of get backers was classic. was too darn funny!! so much so i watched it twice :P akabane & ginji.... haha!! chibi-ginji is soooooooooo cute.
akabane: here's an apple, open your mouth. ahhhhh.... [lol!]
chibi-ginji: ahh.... it's so delicious... *cries*
Thursday, August 07, 2003
latest news on this "so-called" blog...
uninvited has been ranked number 5 or 6 as returned results when searching for "sha gojyo" esp on google. mwahahaha! i'm sad. well, just to let anyone else who decide to search for more on gojyo stuff, first this site is a blog as you can see. and recently my obssession changed from sanzo to gojyo.
result: look at the layout!
however, if you're searching for gojyo-centric sites, try here, here and here!
uninvited has been ranked number 5 or 6 as returned results when searching for "sha gojyo" esp on google. mwahahaha! i'm sad. well, just to let anyone else who decide to search for more on gojyo stuff, first this site is a blog as you can see. and recently my obssession changed from sanzo to gojyo.
result: look at the layout!
however, if you're searching for gojyo-centric sites, try here, here and here!
Wednesday, August 06, 2003
i found this picture really funny.. [ i know there's a better word to describe what i was gonna say but, i can't think of one at the moment].
i want zerosum but i can't get my hands on it... darn! too bad they don't sell it in shops around here. though, i friend of mine suggested "japan club". hmmm... might be weird though if i went in :p unless i go to singapore and buy. mwahahaha!
i miss s'pore. i know, i admit it. i used t hate going there cause we ALWAYS only went there during hols. which in the end became boring. but i havent' been there for like almost 2 years [usually go at the end of the yr] and i kinda miss it :)
i want zerosum but i can't get my hands on it... darn! too bad they don't sell it in shops around here. though, i friend of mine suggested "japan club". hmmm... might be weird though if i went in :p unless i go to singapore and buy. mwahahaha!
i miss s'pore. i know, i admit it. i used t hate going there cause we ALWAYS only went there during hols. which in the end became boring. but i havent' been there for like almost 2 years [usually go at the end of the yr] and i kinda miss it :)

Fuchoin Kadsuki -- Master of the Threads (what that has to do with bells, I still don't know) and former King of Mugenjou under Ginji, you once led your own gang... and despite this, you (almost) always have a kind word to offer. Contrary to popular belief, you're NOT a girl (well, Kadsuchan isn't- really!)... but at least Jubei will always be there for you.
Which main-ish Get Backers character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
gah... i should be sleeping... and "NOT a girl" it seems.. :)
Tuesday, August 05, 2003
i really have nothing else to do. and just to confirm my confused state of what to do at cf2003, i guess all fingers point at one direction. maybe i really DO need a change. hmmm...

You are Midou Ban! You're sometimes too rude, but you work hard to get what you want, or what you deserve. Once you make friends with someone, you wholly believe in their abilities, but that doesn't stop you from being protective of those you hold dear.
Get Backers Personality Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
character wise, i like midou, but his personality as mine? o_O

You are Midou Ban! You're sometimes too rude, but you work hard to get what you want, or what you deserve. Once you make friends with someone, you wholly believe in their abilities, but that doesn't stop you from being protective of those you hold dear.
Get Backers Personality Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
character wise, i like midou, but his personality as mine? o_O
Monday, August 04, 2003
tis the season to be linking...
ah yes, it's all about getting together... along with the spirits of joyfulness, glompage and some serious blog affairs. what am i talking about? umm... i also dunno!
added s'more links, but this time from fellow comic fiesta-ers at the forum :)
more to be linked... as soon as my browser stops giving me problems!!
ah yes, it's all about getting together... along with the spirits of joyfulness, glompage and some serious blog affairs. what am i talking about? umm... i also dunno!
added s'more links, but this time from fellow comic fiesta-ers at the forum :)
more to be linked... as soon as my browser stops giving me problems!!