Wednesday, December 29, 2004

[ 60,000 and counting... ]

Reading stories and the news is just so depressing and worrying. Not only are there so many lives taken, diseases are starting to appear affect MORE lives. As it is there's problems with chicken, pork, beef.... and now I think it's best we stay away from fish even!

Some links related to what's going on. Interesting point of views, pictures as well a place to find out how to help/donate, if you want to!

1. Perspectives on the calamity
2. SEA-EAT (South-East Asia Earthquake & Tsunami)
3. In pictures: Asian quake disaster (BBC)
4. More pictures (the Star Online)
5. And then there are those who're brave to continue with what they were doing (fishing, holidaying, etc.)
6. For amateur videos (some from BBC)

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

*ahhh chooo*

breathe in my germzzzzzz XDXD


ok, short quiz here...

What kind of writer are you? brought to you by Quizilla

lol, so true... i usually write angst... with a bit of humor/romance. hence why i can't write these days because... i'm lacking angst. and even when i do feel angsty, it doesn't last long enough for me to write anything -____-"

whoohoo... holidays around zee corner (~^_^)~ ~(^_^)~ ~(^_^~)

and now, back to work *rollseyes*

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

cf was great... 2 days of fun-ness... ^__^
to read what happened, i shall direct ye to DMJ's blog (search for dmjewelle's link on left 'side-bar') for a concised and pretty well summed up round of events that took place. since i was with her most of the day, we basically experienced the same things.

as for pictures, i will update the 'side-bar' soon and give ye the link.

cosmas is this saturday.... zomgee... well, not planning to cosplay so.. yay... haha... cosplaying integra was a bit tiresome.. the hair, the jacket and most of all the ribbon-tie thingy... blargh ^^;

all hail the 1337 hellsing group! \(^_^)/ m(_ _)m \(^_^)/

we did a good job with the skit me thinks.. well, i was happy with it, hope everyone else was. a skit thought up in one morning.. no rehersal = good job!

and now for me to get over the fact that gan has no moustache and bleached hair.. @_@;

Saturday, December 11, 2004

yayness.... seeaff ish tmr~~ ~(^_^~) ~(^_^)~ (~^_^)~

we have plans, oh yes we do...

1. belasah a certain someone
2. spend monnies
3. major glomping sessions (yeah right.. me GLOMP? XP)
4. nyaa-ing sessions
5. plans to plan for the next day
6. integra visiting art galery ala hellsing episode ^^
8. infernals gathering XP

w00t... less than 10 hours away~~

zomg! i'm getting the butterflies... well, ok.. it just died but i'm quite sure there's be more fluttering tmr night ^^;

Friday, December 10, 2004

You scored as Euterpe. You are Euterpe, the muse of music. You are an inventor, and you constantly come up with new ideas. You are happy when everyone else is happy.



















Which of the Greek Muses are you? created with


yay~ i'm off tmr~~ decided to take leave ^^v
that leaves me with 3 1/2 days left for the year.. haha.... wonder when i'm gonna take those :p

Thursday, December 09, 2004

added a song of the week! ^^
i have a lot of space over at angelfire.. ever since i couldn't use it to host my pictures *sniggers* so, haffun downloading!

this week be 'somewhere only we know' by keane. kinda hooked on the song at the moment!

Friday, December 03, 2004

more junk to add to ye blogs/journals.

chucked it in my lj because lj has this nice little function where we can hide your entries in these nice little links XP

cliku >_0