Wednesday, December 15, 2004

cf was great... 2 days of fun-ness... ^__^
to read what happened, i shall direct ye to DMJ's blog (search for dmjewelle's link on left 'side-bar') for a concised and pretty well summed up round of events that took place. since i was with her most of the day, we basically experienced the same things.

as for pictures, i will update the 'side-bar' soon and give ye the link.

cosmas is this saturday.... zomgee... well, not planning to cosplay so.. yay... haha... cosplaying integra was a bit tiresome.. the hair, the jacket and most of all the ribbon-tie thingy... blargh ^^;

all hail the 1337 hellsing group! \(^_^)/ m(_ _)m \(^_^)/

we did a good job with the skit me thinks.. well, i was happy with it, hope everyone else was. a skit thought up in one morning.. no rehersal = good job!

and now for me to get over the fact that gan has no moustache and bleached hair.. @_@;

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