Sunday, August 31, 2003

[ independence?? ]

last day of august.... 30 days left to the end of september and the end of my so-called life. 17 days to finish up my program and the rest to finish up my doc, testing, installation... etc. it's too fast. too fast for my liking!!! i want my mommy..... :p

she's been away for far too long... well, actually doesn't make much of a difference!! just us kids without adult supervision and not doing anything naughty. well, can't afford to do anything either cause i am bound to my work and if i decided to have fun, i'll only feel guilty. my first brother is actually on freedom mode at the moment since he's on holiday but still not doing anything cause we were given strict instructions to mostly stay at home and youngest brother got pmr. so with two elder siblings, he has no choice but to study, study, study. hehe... so bad we are but it's only for another month or so!

well, my marm is coming home today *yay* that means less responsibility for me. i know lar, i should be good n all and take care of the house, blah blah blah... but sometimes when you have other things on hand, you just wish you didn't have to deal with it at that moment. oh well...

i wanted to go shopping since today's the last day for the mega sale. so much for wanting to buy stuff. in fact i ended up not getting anything at all this entire sale. what a waste. i still need a black long coat. dunno where to get. my brother was telling me it's expensive to buy, 800 bucks [but i was like "yeah rite!!"]. i mean, surely can get for way cheaper... otherwise last resort is tailor make lar. just like enervate has... can't wait to see. the cowboy hat looks weird.. comtemplating on whether i should cut that triangle bit on the hat. you know... akabane's trademark bit where he looks thru the.. uh.. hole??

i'm still striving on whatever little time i get to use the net. with 56kbps, i can't wait to have the feel of broadband at my fingertips when my second line starts working again. they said my report due date is by monday 1pm. that means my line HAS to work by that time OR ELSE i'm gonna be kicking some people's ass!

alright, i've had enuf sleep last night.. slept through all the fireworks and what nots... so i best be using it to get my work done. cheerios my good fellas!

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