Friday, May 09, 2003

okay.. so i did sleep at the 10-something last night and overslept a little and was almost late for my presentation at 9am. some theory i wanted to test. sheesh... well, as soon as i ploped myself into bed, the next thing i remember was my mother waking me up and telling me a whole bunch of things that i, for the life of me, can't remember even now!

so like i said, i was late and all. was suppose to leave the house at 8.15 and my mom gives me a call at 8 saying "so, are you ready yet? i'll be home to pick you up in a few." and of course i was like "huh? shit... i'm late!".

and after all that time we spent doing this particular project. spending sleepless nights and meeting up for countless of hours at cafes, we'd made a few booboos. our presentation didn't go as smoothly as we expected it to be... though it ain't that bad, if you like only getting an average after spending so much time on a project only to be told it's okay in 20 minutes.

what did we get out of all this besides almost useless diagrams and a very simple program? 4 people looking like pandas. contrasting darker color skin around eyes compared to original skin color... what my dad refers to as "zorro". right...

well, in the end... i have one positive thing to say: 1 down, 2 to go!


on to something else shall we? :)

look look.... finally had time to refine the layout. did another picture [though the same, but it really isn't i tells ya!] and added the other background bit. AND.... if you'd notice this other link at the end of each entry, it's called am deprived of comments, it's where you, the reader, can leave a comment. but only IF you want to. no obligations, and i don't really care of the content. flame, praise... just wanna say hi.

i just checked out that i have visitors [ones who come back] from australia, malaysia and brunei so far. i had one from sweden but i think it was an accidental click to my blog site because apparently he/she was searching for a site on google for "japanese, johnny english" and recently i had an entry with "johnny english" in it and musta mentioned "japanese" in there somewhere. then just today i had one from singapore. clicked onto [uninvited] at the main blogger page.

so... my friends, the lesson that we have learned today is that.. the net is quite cool. and how/where people go.. is also quite cool ;) and i used to wonder why i hated networking??? sheesh.

before i leave, the comment thing, yeah... it'd be quite cool [starting to sound a lil' corny] to know who's visiting from where and why/how?


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