Sunday, May 11, 2003

[of movies and mothers]

okay, so i've been relaxing the last two days... sleeping and doing anything except work. hehe... some sorta pay back to the last couple of days i suppose. and speaking of movies... i just watched final destination 2. man, that was one gross movie!! never have i ever felt so sick after watching a series of freak accidents that we just so... bleh! but i loved it though :þ the way they died was just so cool!

what's with the movies these days anyways? they've really come up with the worse ways a person could die. have you seen ghost ship? oh yeah... that's another one. never have i seen an idea so original. i had my hands all over my mouth going "oh my god" as i watched one of the actors die. mwahahaha... it was good! better than a horror movie.

hmm... so it's sunday... 11th... 4 more days to the release of The Matrix. that means... 2 more days before i have to line up to buy movie tickets. *grins* i went up to the guy at the ticket counter and asked him when's the earliest i could buy tickets to watch Matrix, and he told me since it's suppose to be 2 days in advance, that means monday midnight. or rather... 12am on tuesday. but not like i'm actually gonna go there at THAT time just to buy tickets. heh.. not that crazy :P however... i'll just have to find a way to buy 'em first thing the next morning. BUT... i have college and how am i suppose to do that?? time to look for people. hehe! ;)

since it's sunday, this also means it's mother's day. yes, to all of you reading this and forgot... GO BUY YOUR MOTHERS A GIFT... quick ;) or give 'em a call. there's nothing a mother could want more than simplest of things from their children. i was listening to the radio this morning the dj was listing out the top 5 things mothers want [actual survey done]. one of them was to spend quality time with their children. the number one i think was... mother's wanted their children to always be happy and safe and etc. imagine... what they want is the best for their children. and it's something not for themselves.

awwww... isn't that sweet! mothers are just too nice... deep down anyways :) no matter how much they may irritate us, nag us to hell, scold us over the smallest things, tell us what's good for us when we already know... for the nth time... you just gotta love them in the end. you know why? because out of the blue, after all the anxiety they put us through, they go and do something and you just don't have a valid reason to hate them anymore. it's those lil' surprises that makes us thank god for the mother we have and wished we could take all the bad things we said to them back.

yes, you know how we think they know nothing... and they might... and how they just don't seem to understand us. well, we just gotta remind our selves to be patient. to have the power to suffer with fortitude; the uncomplaining endurance of evils or wrongs. hahaha... it ain't that bad lar! :) once you get the hang of it.

so anyways, happy mother's day to all mothers out there... to your mother... and to mine too ;)

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