Saturday, June 12, 2004

[ what's been up lately ]

ah, another wasted week. for me, but not quite for others. the week started with a short outing to klcc. met with gan, ciel and wolfinus (first time meeting ciel and wolfinus). i went all the way there only to find out that they were heading for mid valley an hour later. didn't know that was the plan.. thought it'd be the usual stuffs we did in klcc.

so gan and i had lunch. we all chatted n stuff. gangster also bought 4 mags, which ciel and i wanna steal XD hehe... by the time 1.30pm came along we decided to head to mid valley. ciel & wolf were going to see a harry potter 3 with bunny-chan.

we met her and a few other cf members like tofuking and craymel. since the movie was only starting at 3.30pm all of us went to the archade. i didn't play of course, just watch the gosu people in action. dancing stylo-mylo and whacking the drums to doraemon and train train (?).

then along the next couple of days.. can't remember the days exactly so i'm just putting tuesday-thursday all together:

1. i found out set-chan literally lives a few doors away from me
2. i applied for a job as a web application developer (but still no reply)
3. i helped my cousin out in a bit of documentation work (for his fyp. he's suffering now as i did in september ^^)

then yesterday i went to get my mom a present. argh.. i'm sooooo pokai at the moment. haven't received my monthly allowance the past 2 months but i can't complain since i understand the umm.... situation in my house. got her a "red door" perfume and with that they gave me a free sample of their (elizabeth arden) newest perfume. ARDENBEAUTY! really nice. usually i don't like perfumes from these kinda brands because i feel they're more for matured women or those who are working n stuff. also it's too strong, my nose can't take it. that's why i stick to bodyshop. mild and just nice.

yesterday was quite fun at the #cf channel. 2 hours of good fun. everyone going nuts. learnt a couple of things and... i haven't laughed so much in a while. i guess since rei is back as well.. and the whole kicking thing, it was too funny :p

tomorrow is the engrish exam. gonna proof the za werld that i am to passo the examo with furying coros.


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