Tuesday, April 06, 2004

people in general are starting to get on my nerves. should i be more patient (more than i already am) or just give them a piece of my mind? i try to be nice and do things nicely... but i guess sometimes it's just pointless. i need to get work... or better yet, get away from this country and everybody. there is only so much i can tolerate.

i've applied for a japanese scholarship. it's for next year to continue my masters. if i get it, well then good. if i don't, there's other plans anyways.

i'm removing the 2 songs 'featured' tomorrow... so hurry... go go download!

last exile is a really good show. you have to watch it or you don't know what you're missing. hmm.. should i even bother saying this, because usually nobody listens so... blargh. go do whatever you want!

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