holiday report ]
ack! blogger is back ^^;; and i thought it was down just now. well, here it is. my 'holiday'.
it all began on wednesday (26th Nov '03). with only 3 1/2 hours sleep (i end up having barely any sleep on the nights before a journey because, well.. what else? i'm packing at the last minute!!) i was awakened by the sunshine and bird's chirping -- wait a minute!! it's only 6 o'clock damnit!! with aches all over, i went to have a shower. i take roughly an hour each time i wash & blow dry my hair. it is a bloody pain otherwise i'd enjoy showers. i think i should just shut up with the side comments otherwise this entry will never end!
and so, i had 3 bags with me. what? 3 bags for only 5 days??? ^^;; well, actually, just one of them (the really stuffed one god knows how the bag can stay close) was my clothes. the other 2 was a bag of books & my laptop. did i open the bag with books? of course not. i was on holiday. it was just to make me feel less guilty ^^;;
we left at about 9.30am, all 5 of us packed in my dad's car and started as usual with quarrel at the back. my brothers sometimes remind me of gojyo & goku. but these days it isn't so bad because we're all a little grown. just a little. came to the highway, at the toll gate, and found out one of the roads there was closed due to a rockfall. luckily it wasn't the one leading to penang. there wasn't that many cars on the road, since everyone was probably still '
raya-ing' and having open house to
balik kampung. happily prepared with all my stuffs in the car (book? mag? sunglasses? sweets? check. i knew i forgot something. a pillow!) we officialy started our 3 1/2 hour journey to our destination (without any stops mind you. we were very obedient children... we wanted to be at the beach as soon as possible :p)
after checking in the hotel at about 2pm, we unpacked some stuffs and the boys (my brothers, cousin and his dad -- they slept in one room and yessss... i slept with my parents. sound kinda sad but... whatever!) jumped in the pool. the hotel is by the beach of course, and it had great facilities. ie, pool, pool games, table tennis. so first day i watched them play games with the other hotel residents, skin sun protected of course -- didn't want my fair skin to be burnt!! ergh, that was a joke! it looked like fun, water volleyball.. and after having wonderful views of people in all sizes parading in their swimwear, i thought i might just join them. yesh, i'm swimsuit-shy!
later in the night we went over to my aunt's place. one of my dad's sisters lives in penang and normally we'd stay over at her place but since the occasion of going there in the first place was because of a party in a hotel just 5 minutes away from the one we were staying at, we decided for once to take advantage of staying by the beach (yay!). today (wednesday) was the actual wedding anniversary of my aunt & uncle so we went over to thier house and had a small time dinner. 25 years, so they were making a big do on saturday. or rather, my cousin sister was organizing the whole thing and i must say she deserves more than just acknowledgement for a successful party thrown. most of them (excluding the kids of course) had a bit too much of champagne to drink.. haha! some of them were doing rather unusual things that night. heh!
the next day we woke up early for breakfast. free breakfast which comes with the 2 rooms (for 2 adults each) the 4 of us "kids" had the breakfast and the parents later on strolled over to the hawker stalls accross the hotel to have theirs. waited for the food to go down, strolled along the beach watching people parasailing by, the boys then eagerly jumped into the pool again! they wanted to join the water polo game at 12pm and then suddenly i had the urge to wanna swim. yeah, so went to get a swimming suit at a nearby shop and joined them later at 3 for the water volleyball.
never played water volleyball before, so it was quite fun, except i kept going underwater even though the pool was only 5 feet deep. my team lost, but was funny since we had people from india & australia join us and everyone was critizing everyone else whenever someone made a really dumb mistake. we each had our 'moments' giving a few good shots every now and then. after the game i went to have a bath and found out that that day was the last time i was gonna enter the pool when we were there. curse us for being girls sometimes -____- well, i should be lucky enough to have swam cause the last time i touched any chlorine-filled water was some 3 years ago.
by the time we'd come out of the pool and showered (taking turns of course) it was time to go for a... pre-wedding thingy. the trip was for 2 reasons, the wedding and also the party. nice timing, but bad also because of the unpredictable rain. there'll be scorching hot sun in the afternoon and thunderstorms in the evening. go figure! stupid weather... so we went to the bride's house, i didn't know them but my dad & his sisters knew so... just tag along. it was boring of course, and you know what amazes me each time we have a family gathering (or when my dad's side of the family is together) is that they can gossip about people and all sorts of stuff i couldn't be bothered with from dusk to dawn. where do they get their stories from, i wonder. if someone asks me for gossip i'd be... "uhhh, ahh, dunno?!"
the next day (friday already!) was the same routine. breakfast, pool, water polo, table tennis, water volleyball. yesh, just can't live without the water :p while the guys were in the water and having fun, my parents & i had to check out and check in to that hotel which was 5 minutes walk away. unfortunately it had to start pouring!! so we got drenched while taking the bags out from the car in the 2nd hotel. here's where the party is to take place. they figured since everyone would be too drunk to drive back to their homes, they might as well stay at the same hotel they had the party at.
after checking in n stuff, we had to get ready for the wedding. yep, the first one was just... like a thing where the ladies will gather and sing n stuff. don't ask me why, i think all these can be done without. i guess it's like a bridal shower. sort of. argh, whatever. so the next day was the actual ceremony. went to another hotel, closer to the city this time. it was pretty grand, the usual wedding. the only people paying attention are the relatives, close friends and people who were given tasks. then dinner came and the end? nope, my relatives n family decided to go to a pub.
blurgh! dressed in what was meant for a wedding and going to a pub is a definite NO NO! but did i have a choice? NO NO! it wasn't so fun because everyone else was drinking and you, being considered a "kid" even though you've passed the legal age just sucked and was just... whatever. they tried to offer me beer, but yucks! beer is not my drink.
saturday came, most of us was staying at the hotel so, we all met for breakfast then went out and around for a while. walking by the beach, checking out the shops nearby. got myself a really soft & nice
batik looking shawl and some X calenders. i don't follow the anime but they looked nice, and the only other ones they had were slam dunk and i think it was chobits. can't recall. it surprised me that they actually had those on display so, decided to get some lar.
evening came, everything was set up in the garden. it looked really nice, the area but just before it could start, the rain came. the whole day had been gloomy and just had to rain then. but fortunately there was place for the table in a shaded area and the party started. the theme was beach so we had almost everyone in red/orange/yellow colors. i just wore something plain. standing out in a.. well, already very loud crowd is just not me.
the dinner was nice, songs we okay (though i pity the other hotel residents). almost had to go up and play a song dedicated to my uncle & aunt. very impromptu and what i hate most about performing is when you have a crowd who aren't willing to spend just a few minutes to listen to you because it's not their sort of song. i was quite reluctant to play, choice of music was Scarborough Fair, and i was suppose to duo with this other guy.. when we were trying to begin (it's not an easy song to perform if you've never practiced before with other people so it wasn't easy to co-ordinate) no one was listening, i was ticked at that as i have faced this situation and it's just not worth it.. so in the end i just didn't play. giving reasons that people would just end up falling asleep, which could be true since the crowd isn't the sort who'd appreciate such songs. ergh!
i went to sleep by midnight, was tired and it was getting really boring. it's always like that whenever there's a family reunion. my brothers, my cousins (dad's brother's children) and me will always be left out, sitting at one corner.. everyone else just couldn't be bothered about us, as we couldn't be bothered about them. well, i guess it's our fault as well, but i think that it's just too much effort to be a hypocrite when it's so obvious they're not really interested in our company. when i say they, i refer to my other cousins (dad's sisters' children). they're older than us and think they're too good for us.
sometimes in front of us they'll be making plans to go places and then not invite us. it's very disheartening since one of my aunt's daughters is my age and she's always involved with the rest of my cousins and if i don't follow what they do, that aunt of mine will purposely say in front of my dad, "why aren't you following them? you should mix around more" and other shit like that.
urgh... some families deserve to rot in hell. well, that's another story! =)
on sunday we had to leave already. said our goodbyes, checked out at 1.30pm and headed home. ahh... home sweet home! by the time we reached was 7pm. that's because at some points it was bumper to bumper on the frikin' highway. don't believe me? i have pictures to prove it. lol! just lazy at the moment to download them to the computer.
and so that was my supposed holiday. it was alright, in general. if minus my other relatives, it would've been just nice.
have collected my coat. yep, i now have the full atire for CF. only thing left is the bloody sword. i think i may have to send it to a hardware shop and get it cut. otherwise it's gonna take me a long time to do it. the knives are done, just need to wrap them in some foil... haha!
fenix i think it's too soft so, i shall not test it on you. fraid it may turn
lembik and won't look like Akabane's knives no more! oh yes, just remembered. i need to straighten my hair too. i wonder if i'll actually end up doing it or not. just a few more days to go!