Monday, December 01, 2003

don't bother asking where i had the time to do this. i was bored one of those days in penang, where in which it was the only time i did take out my laptop... and decided to use this wonderful wallpaper provided by Schlachthaus NINE for the layout. nice? recognize who that is? lol! =)

it just occured to me that it's a new month.. just in time for a new layout! hahaha~~ cf in just 6 days!!! XD XD

and enervate, errm... the avatars, which i also did, were mostly for the lj. maybe if it looks nice enuf, i'll use it for the forum as well :p

updated the wild adapter song. yep, those are the last three files so... make sure they (including the previous 4 i assumed you already downloaded) are in the same location, run the Splitter program and merge. it's that simple :) you'll end up with a zip file so you'd obviously need to unzip it first before you play it lar! and i hope y'all have named the files properly. these three should be (respectively):


okies.. now must go sleep... have college tmr! :~(

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