Wednesday, October 29, 2003


today is the begining of a very not good day. just went to drop my brother off at hartamas and guess what happened on my way back. got caught by police for speeding ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

it was quite weird lar. they've never had a police check at that particular place before, so i was happily speeding away. grr... so yeah, as we slowed down into a queue, i knew i was gonna be asked to pull at the side and sure enuf. then one guy, who seemed nice, came to my car.. i got my wallet ready thinking he was gonna ask me for my IC but instead a bribe haha..!! it happened so fast i didn't even know what was going on. first he's like mana pergi cepat sangat la? halaju 80km/j sahaja. [where you going to la? the speed limit is only at 80km/h]. i was going at 110km/h -_-"""

then so he was like so how? he puts his hand into the car.. lol! and was like hessitating a bit. i didn't know what to do? he's like berapa? [how much?] and i was like huh?? so i said RM50 can? and he said okay. gave it to him and ciaoed. it all happened so fast O_o

yes, if there's one thing i'll ever get stopped by police for it would be for speeding.

they seem so free these days... no wonder they're out to collect monnies!! -_-

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