Monday, May 09, 2005

I really have nothing else better to do... @_____@

Take my Quiz! and then Check out the Scoreboard!

Let's see if Kitsune will be the highest ranked again XD (last time he scored 80%)

I haven't posted up jokes in ages... enjoy~ ;p

1. If you're addicted to work, you're a workaholic. When addicted to alcohol, you're an alcoholic. What if you're addicted to Horlicks?

2. There was this story that Yasmin hosted a quiz over her morning radio program, where she was looking for "salt & pepper" as the answer. A lady caller asked for a clue and Yasmin mentioned that "It's something that you put over your husband's eggs in he morning" to which the lady caller confidently answered "TALCUM POWDER!"

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