Monday, April 26, 2004

Quizzing time~

1. Sleep with or without clothes on?
With clothes.

2. Prefer black or blue pens?
Blue. Black seems to boring and i find it harder to notice like say if you're filling up a form which is already black & white and if you use blue, you can notice easily the stuff you filled in.

3. Dress up on Halloween?
Never did but... why not.

4. Like to travel?
Anytime :) In fact, i'm off to Penang again this weekend for abour 4 days... thats long O_o;;

5. Like someone?
Not at the moment. Really.

6. Does he/she know?
Who? :P

7. Sleep on your side?
Err... i always sleep in the left side of the bed... or is it right... wait, if i'm laying flat on my back on the bed, then it's the right. Yeah.

8. Think you're attractive?

9. Want to marry?
In the future.. with the right person.

10. Who?
Refer to #9.

11. Are you a good student?
Well... yes & no :P

12. Are you currently in a relationship?
Refer to #5.

13. Are you involved in sports?
Sports...... unless you count the gym as a sport ^^;

15. Christmas or Halloween?
Christmas. It's nicer, warmer, more together-getherness... :)

16.Colored or black-and-white photo?
Black & White, more dramatic ^^

17. Do long distance relationships work?
Not a big fan of this kinda situations but... i guess for some people, it does work.

18. Do you believe in astrology?
Not the western kind.

19. Do you believe in God?
Of course.

20. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Lol.... love at first sight... hahahaha!!!! *cough* Err.. I haven't experienced such a thing so, until then, no.

21. Do you consider yourself the life of the party?
Depends on the people, whether there are already the "lifes" of the party present and whether i'm to making a fool out of myself and being all sociable.

22. Do you drink?
Water, everyday. Soft drinks, sometimes. Alcohol, rarely.

23. Do you have a car?
Not mine, but i drive 'em.

24. Do you have a job?
Parents: ?__?
Me: don't look at me like that!!

25. Do you make fun of people?
Sure... :P (but only non cry babies)

26.Do you think dreams eventually come true?
Yes, if you try hard enough.

27. Fave thing to do?
at the moment: play gun bound XD
otherwise: surf

28. Fave breakfast food?
something sweet.. but i hardly eat breakfast.

29. Fave Candy?
Is chocolate candy? Otherwise, Gummi Bears... bouncing here and there and everywhere~~

30. Fave Vacation spot?
The beach.. but NOT PD! >_< Hehe.. i'm going to Penang XD

31. Favorite body part of the opposite/same sex:
long hair XD XD XD (OMG serena!!!! XD)
hehe... no lar, i actually like hands first, then t3h ub3r l0ng h41rs

32. Favorite cartoon?
Anime: GITS, Last Exile... etc
Cartoon: The Simpsons

33. Go to the movies or rent?
Movies.... but damn the censorship board! >_<

34. Have you ever moved?
Yeah.. 3 times. Rented a house when i was in standard 1 (from tmn rainbow to bangsar), then bought a house a year later (in bangsar), then shifted to another house temproarily in form 4 for a year while my house was on renovation (also around the same area, then shifted back in form 5... 2 months before spm ^^;)

35. Have you ever stolen anything (from a store)?
m-a-y-b-e..... XP

36. How's the weather right now?
not bad.. it's sunny, but i feel cool enuf since i had a shower a while ago :)

37. Hug or kiss?

38. Last person you talked to on the phone?
My mother

39. Last time you showered?
LOL... 1 hour ago.

40. Loud or soft music?

41. McDonalds or Burger King?

42. More romantic; baths or showers?
BATHS!!! XD (not going to say anymore than that :P)

43. Night or day?

44. Number of Pillows?
2 big ones, 1 small one and a bloster.

45. Piano or guitar?
Piano: because of all the great composers and movies which feature pianists (esp 'the pianist')
Guitar: because all great modern bands like rhcp, tonnes of anime songs... a lot lar

so verdict: both (otherwise i wouldn't learn to play 'em both XD)

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