Wednesday, March 17, 2004

finally something to blog about :p

first of all, go get yourselves the new 7UP Ice. It's goooooode!! XD Finally a drink which has a new version which i can agree on the taste. vanilla coke is... bleh. pepsi twist even more bleh. don't even get me started on pepsi blue!!

*sips a bit more of 7UP Ice*

ahh~~ it's recommended for especially the days where it's too hot, you're sweating profusely even with the air-con on... and to recommended a few more things... download these songs if your bandwidth permits you to:

1. Nasi Goreng Bubur Kacang, by P. Ramlee (just listening to the song makes you wanna eat. not to mention how funny the lyrics really are! there's a mix of english words too... so it makes it very malaysian, which is nice)
2. Oxygen [Part 4] by Jean Michel Jarre (i actually got the ringtone first.. really cool, and then only now i decided to get the actual song :p)
3. Quando Quando Quando by Engelbert Humperdink (just makes you wanna dance =))
4. SpongeBob Squarepants Closing Theme (XD)

on other matters... 2 college mates & i have planned to go to gentings on monday. done the bookings n stuff already, just a matter of getting our hinds to sentral to take the bus =) should be good, since because we booked online, we not only got a 10% discount from the usual price, we also get RM2 off the movies (might watch Hidalgo at only RM5!!), 2 breakfast (if i'm not mistaken) and 2 theme park tickets. i'm not sure what else there is... have to check. no plans on going to the casino though, even though we are finally of legal age!!

and finally, i don't think i actually need to tell you where i got this from ^^;

Ten songs I love in no particular order:
01. Follow Me, Kimikoh Itoh (GiTS Innocence)
02. Inner Universe, Origa/Yoko Kanno (GiTS SAC)
03. Over the Sky, Last Exile 2 OST
04. A Prayer, Wonderful Days OST
05. Houran no Himitsu, Akira Senju (Saiyuki Requiem)
06. Amethyst Remembrance, Yami no Matsuei
07. Getaran Jiwa, P. Ramlee
08. Shine, David Gray
09. Uninvited, Alanis Morissette
10. The Otherside, RHCP.

Nine things that make me smile:
01. Good music
02. Good stories
03. Ironic situations
04. When you can see right through a person and know their motives
05. Remembering good times
06. My favourite anime releasing it's 2nd movie after 9 years
07. Tachikomas XD
08. Accomplishing a difficult task
09. Earning your own monnies! (okay lar, i'm not that materialistic.. but i need
......the dough to (unguiltily) buy my mangas/animes :P).

Eight things I wear daily:
01. A smile
02. T-shirt/Blouse
03. Shorts/Jeans
04. Shoes/Slippers/Sandals
05. Undergarments
06. Hair tie
07. Powder
08. Ring.

Seven things that annoy me:
01. When you ask someone whether they know where something is, they
......immediately say "i don't know" without even trying
02. People who whine over petty things (hey, the world is way tougher out
03. No electricity on a hot night. YOU JUST CAN'T SLEEP!
04. Fake people, people who pretend to be someone they're not
05. Not being able to accomplish something
06. Body odour
07. A wet bathroom/Urine on the seat, when i want to use it.

Six things I'm looking forward to:
01. Watch/Get my hands on, GITS: Innocence
02. Travelling/Holidaying (at the moment -- Genting Highlands)
03. Working
04. Updates of a few mangas/anime (scanlations/raw comics itself)
05. Sugar Coat (wonder if it's out yet)
06. Hacker course (dunno when it is yet... still waiting).

Five things I'm scared of:
01. Not doing as well as i'm hoping to do so for my degree
02. Landing myself in a job i would hate
03. Robbed/Raped/Kidnapped
04. Getting caught by the police for doing something wrong (*coughcough*)
05. Family dying before their time (accidents/murdered)

Four things I'd like to spend more time doing:
01. Watching anime (i've so many, MANY downloaded and not watched ^^;)
02. Going out
03. Playing/Learning to play, music
04. Writing emails

Three movies I could watch over and over again:
01. Home Alone 1, 2
02. Ace Ventura 1, 2
03. Never Ending Story 1, 2, 3.

Two of my favorite places to go:
01. Kinokuniya (or any large bookstores including the ones in Ikano &
......1 Utama)
02. Seaside/Beach at night.

One thing I couldn't survive without:
01. Broadband/The Internet.

can't believe i managed to answer 'em all. when i first started i thought i would have to crack my brains in half, slice and dice and then purge it out. *ahem*

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