Sunday, October 19, 2003

You're an untouchable. People like you make people like me sad. You're gorgeous, inside and out, but you're just a bit chilly and don't take well to being touched. I'll get you someday! ^_^

How Glompable Are You? brought to you by Quizilla

mwahaha.... i am the untouchable!! yeah, i really am o_O"

Who's Your Anime Boyfriend?

what gives?? aoshi again -___-
ermm, actually i did this a long time ago... say a few months and i redid it just now and got....

ryouga: "you don't need to be swept off your feet-- nothing is cuter to you than someone who just can't get it together like ryouga. failure is hot!.

eh... eh... *twitch* ryouga of all ppl. the guy is a total klutz! nah, i prefer aoshi... hmmmm.... aoshi... :þ~

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