Saturday, September 13, 2003

[ strange dreams ]

yeah, had one of those last night. so weird. i think i'm spending too much time online so much so i'm dreaming of the people whom i interact or is somewhat connected to with online. and the funny thing is, i don't know what they look like so my subconscious mind make's up faces, shaped & sizes of these people.

mind you, it's not the first time :p yesterday's one was about somehow i know this person because she used to be in the same kindergarten as me. haha.. and i'm quite sure in real life that ain't true. and this person is one of those ffnet writers. sheesh.. it's so weird!! so like we met at my backyard [before my house was renovated.. it's renovated now so there's isn't much of a backyard anymore] and had some sorta drawing competition. hahahahaha!! and i can't draw for nuts.

well, it's just weird. that's all :p

finally gotten a start on the main bit of the program. seems like there's some success but still have to do a bit more of figuring out and how to actually implement those bits into the program itself. now those parts are just by itself so... integration is not as fun as debuggin :p

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