Wednesday, September 10, 2003

freeeeeee..... as a bird..... well, only for the next couple of hours. from tomorrow onwards i gotta be working on me project.

exam today was much better than the previous one. at least i understood the bloody questions! but... [there's always a but] if only i had a bit more time. imagine, one of the questions was 30 marks. damn.... i didn't have enuf time to crap on that one though. but i think i managed to give answers which were well.... required. good enuf for me, as long as i get a 2nd upper mark for it. since i know a distinction is surely out of the question.

man, this also means i won't be able to get my first class honours. have to work hard on my project now, especially the documentation since that one alone is 3 modules. why must it be so complicated?!!

i got a new friend addicted to get backers. mwahaha!! mission accomplished. and he was complaining that i was the cause for him to not study for the exam today. hah! who ask him to be so curious and watch the show? :p haha.. i was thinking twice about passing him the rest of the episodes [16-43] because i thought you know, exams n all.. he might end up watching it instead of studying and sure enuf!! curiousity got the worse of him. well, good thing is.. i got new partner to discuss about it. hehe! :O)

i'm also trying to drag some of my friends to CF. one in particular, trying to convince him to cosplay. reason why he doesn't want to - he thinks he'll look stupid. sheesh.. i mean everyone does [no offence!].. i mean it is funny n all. the whole idea. playing dress up and meeting up with other cosplayers. that sorta stuff! well, i still can't allow myself to be too deeply involved in this all [though i think i already am] otherwise i won't concentrate on more important stuffs. arghh.. i can't wait til the end of september.. and hope that i can finish my project on time.

well, that's all from me. for now. i guess i'll be spending more time online nowdays but first, have to pay streamyx bill! O_O;

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