Monday, July 07, 2003


long time no blog. why? lost the desire to bother with it.

sure, lotsa things have been happening. ever since the return of the bad *cough* influence! :) certainly, you are a bad influence. actually no lar. just a big distraction [kidding!!! :þ]. then she'll say... "but i'll only be here for another week or so...!!!".

haven't done work in ages. more than a week. supposedly made a promise with my supervisor that i'd meet him weekly to show him my progress. some sorta motivation for me to work and not only play. but i guess it's inevitable. i'm still not doing anything. why oh why am i such a lazy mutt?!

let's see what i've been "busy" up to neglecting certain priorities in the process.

there was a mad sale at Ikea. unfair cause what i wanted was already sold out the day before. the way people were lining up infront of the store about an hour before it opened. sheesh... well, it's not as bad as a concert lar. but all this lining up and pushing to get in first... seemed to be oh-so familiar with it. have had a lot of experience [and patiences of course] dealing in this kinda situation. by the way, i went on the second day of the sale [considered the first since the day before was specially for members...] and it wasn't even the weekend yet!

*grumble* stupid idiots... *grumble*

that was that. then watched terminator 3 on saturday. hahaha.. arnold schwar-ireallydunnohowtospell-neggar-orsomethinglikethat was pretty cool in the movie. i mean, he's old okay. 50+ and there in the movie. fuh... not bad. still looking good i suppose. it's an interesting side to the story because it's about how it's gonna end and stuff. man vs machines. not them trying to stop it from happening. like why in the first place did the creaters create such a movie? or rather, what was the point for it? it's good, but it's so obvious there's gonna be a T4.

"i will see you again" he says. d'uh! just like his "i'll be back" line. he did use it though, 'cept it was more along the lines of "she'll be back". i found it sorta funny. some parts. when arnold says "speak to the hand". hahaha... you go girl! [right...]

i think i leaked out too much info on the movie ;p

been a bunch of tiring days indeed. another one of those things. up the whole night and stuff, but this time of course it has nothing to do with work. so basically it was a stress-free, workless, play-all-day, stay-up-all-night thing.

negative : opening ceromy of the new building in temple, so that only means yours truly is obligated to go!
positive : i don't have college tomorrow!!! [neener neener neeeener!]

you know what's ironic? if i did loose any interest... what am i doing now? -_^

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