Saturday, July 26, 2003

aww... aren't they the cutest???

today was a friend of mine's birthday. actually, it was yesterday but celebrated it today. there was roughly 18 of us all together. met some old classmates and even after 4 years, everyone looks pretty much the same. except for a few of those who've dyed their hair. one really cool streaks. quite nice actually.

had steamboat in cheras at pulau ketam seafood village or something like that. yeah... drive all the way there just for steamboat and come back :) well, i guess it was worth it since it was rather cheap. roughly 12 bucks per head. and that was about it.

had a long day today. what with trying to finish up projects and trying to suite everyone else's needs. well, i guess when you're working with 9 people, everyone will have their own taste. which makes it difficult unless we just do what we gotta do and hope they would like it in the end :p

need sleep... zzzz... nights!

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