Tuesday, May 27, 2003

what a miserable day it was....

actually, it's not that bad for the fact that it's all over!!! :) except for my final yr project, all's well. the presentation didn't go so well. at about almost 8am we realized that a few things weren't working.. all because i backed-up using a friend of mine's database... luckily i had my old one, so once i restored that and started AGAIN inserting all the bloody procedures and triggers.. it worked. right to the last moment i tell you we were still debugging... up to 10.30 when i was printing the last page before i left to go bind it n all. imagine.. presentation was at 11am!

the presentation... first of we were 10 minutes late. he asks, "why are you late? you're not having exam isn't it?" hehe.. how to tell him we were still working on the project till the last 1/2 hour? then, well... because the interface wasn't working with the database, that stupid lecturer of mine just goes... "oh, so that not working.. i see... you didn't do triggers? you didn't do procedures?" i mean like hello you numb nut!! we did if you weren't so blind! actually our database was pretty good. everything was working, except the interface. otherwise the system woulda been almost perfect... but did he look like he cared?

with the lack of sleep, but i wasn't sleepy at all actually, i still had to stay back at college for a meeting with my supervisor. the 3rd meeting. why? well because next week is my midpoint and up til now, i've got zilch amount of work prepared. besides the research work i did in the begining.. when i was deciding what topic to do... i haven't even done the gantt chart. now i have to make up one to show my progress work in the last couple of months. hehe.. the amount of bull shiting required :p

so anyway, mr i'm-an-ass-of-a-supervisor did it again. instead of delaying us as before.. he decides that not showing up altogether is a much better solution. apparently he had some medical check up. couldn't he have informed me, hello??? gave him my hp number for what? what's the point of the darn consulation booking system if he doesn't even inform me thru email??

and then we're suppose to be IT professionals. supposedly savvy enough to know how to use all these methods of communication. sms pun tak boleh ke? sial...

well, i can't even use the diary system to express my disappointment. for final yr, they set up this diary system where we're "suppose" to write details on our progress. what we did when? how far have we reached? what have we learned? and also another section to state the meetings i had with my supervisor. what went on an all... so i was planning to say how he conveniently didn't show up and stuff, but the darn server is down. so typical!

ahh.. anyway, i didn't want to see how long i could last and all. unlike the last time, i only managed to stay awake for... 32 hours. spent almost 24 hours of those on the pc.. online. thank god for streamyx and that it was working! otherwise i would be in a bit of a predicament [die-lah] =þ didn't go camping at a friend's house this time. was at home, but was accompanied by many people along the way. my group members for the most part, and one and only one other person who managed to go all night without rest. the others at least got some shut eye ;)

the only thing that kept us going was competing. we're like, "let's see who can finish first". hehe.... fun uh? yeah.... but i don't think it would be for long. not if this sorta thing keeps up and i ended "losing" even more sleep over it.

right... think i've ranted enuf 'ere ;p

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