Monday, April 28, 2003

i learned something today. about how writing fanfics is not all glory and easy and fun and.... etc. after posting it. we seem to forget the critics, those who flame and the worst of all... MSTs.

dunno what that is? well have a seat and let me tell you a story about how bad fics [and unfortunately a rather good one too] get mangled.

there once was a girl who wrote an absolutely horrendous story. bad in the sense there were sentences that would go on and one in paragraphs without much as a full-stop in between, conversations appear out of the blue without double quotes [ "" ], many many spelling & grammatical errors, the story containing a mary sue, a storyline which conveniently suits the author's whims & fancies.. [ie, one minute one person's here.. then you don't hear from them for the rest of the story. they disappeared perhaps. or, one minute they're on earth, the next they're in the clouds], and the worst of it all.... cliches.

and so, when such a story appears in the midst of our journey to fanfic land... we tend to gawk at it's existence and wonder... "what the fuck?!!". however, most of us would just ignore and move along. but then again... some do take the time [wasted i think] to read it and decide, "hey, let's do something about this so that the author would regret every writing it!!".

and so, off 3 people in particular [ones i'm using in reference to a particular story in which fell upon these cruel people] went into the Mysterious Science Theatre [MST] to give their comments and re-write the fic according to what they think it is about. so they brutally MSTed a really bad fic. but it was hillarious, ironically. because in my opinion, it WAS bad.. and deserved what it got.

however... these same bunch MSTed a rather good fic, helluva much better compared the other one i was previously referring to. minus the number of cliches [sorry to say... but i did find it a little annoying after while but skipped those parts and read on], it had a very good plot, very good english [better than mine] and NO MARY SUES!! everything was almost perfect. therefore, this second one i was refering to did not need to be tortured by those MSTers.

i would like to see if they ever mangled any of mine. would be hillarious though. honestly. at least i can see what my mistakes were and use 'em as future reference. but [yes, there's always a but!!] they should've asked permission from the original owner, because partially of what they did was plaigarism. using the author's story and adding side comments or changing certain scenes to make it into a parody and then calling it their own.

all in all, after reading the MSTed version of the really very bad fic, i had myself in stitches. litterally forced myself from laughing out too loud this late at night :)

well then... you learned something, i learned something... and i'll be looking forward to see if anyone tries to MST any of my stories. should be fun to see my reaction ;p


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